Understanding that different institutions approach quality assurance processes differently depending on context, examining quality assurance reports at other institutions is useful in identify commonalities.
University of Toronto – Quality Assurance Process

  • pages 10, 13-14 provide useful questions for reflection when completing the Self-Study
  • section 5 (starting page 27) outlines U of T’s process for program review
  • pages 30-33 address the contents of the Self-Study
  • pages 34-7 address external review
  • pages 39-40 address the Final Report and Action (Implementation) Plan

University of Calgary – Quality Assurance Curriculum Review Handbook

  • page 3 lists the main purposes of a review
  • page 5 outlines the review process
  • pages 6-7 list possible elements to go in the Self-Study (here called the Curriculum Review Report)