I wonder if I put a few words here?
Program Review @ NIC

Key Roles and Responsibilities

For the purposes of the program review process, there are various key roles and responsibilities:
Program Review Lead: a faculty member designated by the department Dean to lead the program review team. The program review lead supports the program review team throughout the process by planning meetings, organizing the data gathering and analysis process, coordinating writing of the self-study, overseeing the writing and implementation of the action plan and reporting out to the Dean.
Program Review Co-Lead: a faculty member designated by the department Dean to support the program review lead with the above responsibilities.
Program Review Team: faculty in the department going through program review. Program review involves everyone in the department in terms of taking part in meetings, offering feedback on survey and focus group questions, helping with the analysis, supporting writing the self-study, providing feedback during the external review visit, and supporting implementation of the action plan.
External Review Team: two peers external to the College and one peer from NIC but external to the department going through process review. The team reads the self-study, takes part in an external review team visit to the College (in person or virtually), and writes a final report, with feedback and suggestions for future opportunities to enhance current activities.